Monday, March 15, 2010

Starting in May 2010

New Club Starting in May!

Would you like to be a part of a Monthly Club?

Here’s how they work.

Once a month you’ll come to a class my house. You will do Three projects. This club will be featuring projects that can be done with the Big Shot! Ways to make gift ideas and variety other projects. If you don’t have a big shot you can still come and learn how to use it and who knows you could earn it for free, when it is your month as the hostess. We will incorporate the punches as I think of the big shot as a BIG Punch machine! We will rotate the hostess benefits each month and depending on the sales each month you will earn Stampin' Up! goodies.

There is a minimum order each month of $35. You will agree to be a part of the club for 12 months starting May 13th. It’s a great way to have “Me” time each month, be able to get Stampin' Up! products and learn how to use them. Several have already signed up but there are open spots. Tell a friend and carpool over and have a fun night out. If you are interested I’ll send you more information!

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