Thursday, August 19, 2010

More Holiday Decor

I'm just loving these vinyl Home Decor that is in the New Holiday Mini.  I did another plate with the stockings...A glass jar with the mittens and the present, and a Glass Mug with the two Cardinals on it.  It will look so cute on the "Mug Mat" that matches these images.  Look at the cardinals wing, it's a mitten.  You will have a ball finding inexpensive things that just "Scream" Home decor!  Thanks for Stopping by!

Christmas Stamp A stack

Yeah I know it's still blazing hot, but as you know Christmas will be coming soon.(128 days)
I will be having a
Christmas Stamp-A-Stack
 Tuesday October 26th,t 5:30pm-8:30pm  

Three different Christmas designs and make 5 of each for a total of 15 Cards and envelopes for $25
Three Different Designs 6 of each  total of 18 cards and envelopes for $30

There will be a limit of 12 for the class and it is a prepay Class
Send me an email that you want to come, and Mail me a check to confirm your spot. Dead line October 1st.or when it fills
Let me know which amount you are signing up for.